Wednesday, April 12, 2006

another idea

This is coupled with a previous post
(With all the hubbub about the large marches that happened this weekend and the stupid marches by high school students still going on, I felt I had to opine. Mainly, since everybody is stating that Latinos (ie Mexicans) are "taking jobs that Americans don't want" can we now safely do away with the welfare system? Since Americans now have the option of eschewing work because they feel it is beneath them, do we really need to subsidize them and their life-style decisions? It only makes sense to me that if we actually have 12 million illegals doing these menial jobs, then there are jobs to be found. Think about it and try and tell me that this question doesn't really reveal a lack of candor about the whole debate (and the welfare system).)
in which I argued that we can get rid of the welfare state because apparently there are millions of jobs that we Americans feel we are too good to do and need to bring in illegal aliens to do so.
I think there is something else we can do for the debate. I'm in favor or creating a system for channelling the non-felon illegals into the proper circuits for becoming citizens. However, there should be a nice stiff price that should be used for paying the fees of those who have waited in line and immigrated legally. If one has been a legal immigrant in the last 15 years, you should be compensated the full price for your time and fees and use the fees garnered from the newly documented immigrants to pay for it. Seems fair to me. There are many other stipulations, of course, but I think it's only fair for the people who came here illegally to pay the people who went through all the right channels and did all the right things to become part of the country.


At 12:55 PM, Blogger Gateway Pundit said...

That is different. I hope the Republicans can make something out of this, but I am not so sure.


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