Monday, January 30, 2006

Cultural imperialism

With all of the fun coming out of the Hamas victory in the Palestinian elections, I have to ask, is there any greater cultural imperialistic force than militant Islam? When hard core leftists complain of American cultural imperialism, they are talking about the fact that people in Singapore and France choose to eat a hamburger at McDonald's or drink a Coke. This is an affront and mortal danger to these cultures, apparently (never mind that cultures have been sharing with each other since time immemoriam). Really what it boils down to is that people of that mindset believe that western aka white culture is a pollutant upon the pure, noble savage brown culture. I don't think this way or use this language, but one hears it all the time from the true-believers on the left.
However, one never hears the same charges leveled against Islam. Why is that? Is it because they are non-whites? I don't know. All I do know is that before the advent of Islam, there were thriving Christian, Jewish, Zoroastrian, Pagan, Hindu and Buddhist peoples all over what is now the Dar-ar-Islam intermingling, often fighting, but not attempting to abolish each other. Now, there is a pretty monolithic culture under the banner of Islam. True, there are many differences between an Afghani and a Jordanian, not to mention a Sunni or Shia, but there are nearly no minority religions or belief systems (often they are out and out illegal. See Saudi Arabia) and no fundamental differences in the system by which society is organized. The more Islamic a state is, the more homogeneous it tends to be. This is because the more hard line Islamic preaching allows no derivation from the Qur'an, hadith and sunna, and this preaching encompasses an entire organizational structure for a society. Local cultures often get swallowed up as hard core Islam sees absolutely no worth in a culture that existed before the conversion to Islam (pre-existing history is referred to as a time of darkness or ignorance).
However, human culture is a pretty lively thing, and Islam can only maintain that iron-clad cultural hegemony through extreme cultural pressure or violence. Local derivations in cultures developed despite Islam. I am not saying that Muslims are incapable of valuing a diverse and pluralistic society, only that hard-core Islam and the practice of jihad destroys all that stands in its path in such a profound and overwhelming manner that Hollywood and McDonald's are pathetic pikers in comparison. It is time that our college professors and hard core leftists who think that a cheeseburger will destroy mankind's wonderful diversity come to grips with this salient fact.


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