Tuesday, January 03, 2006

nothing in particular

nothing much upon which to comment today. Some writer from the NYT released a half-baked, 1/3 sourced book that shockingly doesn't like Bush. Yawn. I'm as concerned about personal liberties as the next guy, but 99% of the people commenting on the NSA report don't know the law, don't know exactly what anybody did and don't know how the decisions were made all the way back to President Carter. Yet, it still doesn't stop writers from bloviating that this is the 2nd coming of the 3rd Reich (would that be the 4th Reich?). I still haven't seen an entirely cogent piece about the whole issue and am not holding my breath for one. I don't know about this, so I'm shutting up.

In case anybody is reading this, check out www.vodkapundit.com for a great article concerning Russia's sad decline and the consequences for the free world. He's a great writer, though it's really no surprise, since he's originally from Missouri and roots for the Cardinals.


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