Wednesday, February 22, 2006

what is it about government...

that makes people so crazy? It's a tough question. I wanted to ruminate upon some philosophical points rather than the madness of the world. Cartoon riots, sectarian violence in Iraq, UAE taking over some ports, or not, Hillary being dissed by the gays; it's all very disturbing. But, I've been thinking about the government and why it makes people so nuts.
The founding fathers, particularly Madison, were absolute geniuses that realized that government is best when it is constrained and utilized only in a manner that is appropriate. Why is that? Why do govt. handouts in the form of welfare checks or pork projects so thoroughly corrupt the soul and destroy the independence of people? Why will people do anything, lie, cheat steal, sleep with Bill Clinton, to obtain power? It stems from the very nature of govt., one that the founding fathers understand all too well.
We have a bi-polar opinion of our govt. First, we believe it is our servant, the executor of our wills. Secondly, we believe that is our protector, the manner by which we deal with injustice. The first concerns power, the second concerns rights. We cede some of our authority over to the govt. so that it can provide for the common benefit of society, and that is where the two opinions mesh. When we mix up the two is where we go astray. I'll write more, but I am dead tired and my prose is not as elegant or persuasive as it should be. I'll finish this thread tomorrow.


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