Saturday, March 25, 2006

this isn't new

No, the fact that I've gone a while without writing is no shock. And why shouldn't it be? I have honestly had nothing to write about lately, plus I've been busier than Bill Clinton in the oval office. Holding the full-time job, going to school, hope to learn web design at some point in the future, and had a site made for writing copy, check out Doing some work in it right now, hope to make it a full-time gig within a year. Combine that with web design and right there and boom, you see where my career is heading. Quite exciting.

There have been no shocking stories lately. I can't locate the study that showed whiny, overly dependent children being conservative and self-reliant, confident children to be liberal. The study was done in the unofficial war protest capital of Berkeley and it actually made me laugh. If I can find the article, I'll link it. But I really hope conservatives don't get upset by it, you really have to take it at face value.

Aside from that, I browse through article headlines but I haven't been following politics like my brother. And I don't get outraged when I hear the garbage the left is spewing these days, it's old news.

So I don't know if I'm uninspired right now as much as my mind is in other places. I've been pretty happy lately, so I really don't feel the rant. But don't worry, something will send me over the edge and have me adding more rhetoric to the ever popular Muller Brothers site.


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