Thursday, May 11, 2006

let kids be kids

Speaking of John Stossel, I saw one of his articles about kids and designer clothes. Parents are paying hundreds of dollars so their children can have Versace and other top line clothing. People are even paying $400 for their childrens raincoats. Children are also becoming runway models, wearing mini skirts, etc. No surprise here: a lot of these runway kids (or soon to be runaway) are sporting clothing developed by none other than Madonna.

I'm not gonna go into a rant about what has happened to our world, we have no morals, the apocolypse is coming because of this. No doomsday scenarios are coming from me. It's too easy to say everything is going to hell when you read a story like this.

My main problem is that it reflects on how pathetic these parents are. If they need their children to be wearing expensive so THEY get noticed, frankly, it sounds downright bipolar to me. The parents must not feel good about their children if they "value" them spending $400 for a raincoat. The only reason why a child would even be concerned about his clothing would be 1) if his or her parents told them to be 2) if other children ridiculed them for their clothing.

This article doesn't really concern me because it isn't normal behavior. Take any decent group of people and they'll find this absolutely preposterous. Well, at least in the circles I hang around.

This story doesnt make me want to talk about a world gone mad cause frankly, it's always been mad (sorry Greatest Generation, but it's true). Though I'll concede, this craziness probably didn't happen during the days of Ike.

But if parents believe the secret to having happy kids that "fit in" is buying them expensive clothing, well, they must be raising children that don't like themselves. It's a dangerous proposition because kids need to learn how to value themselves and who they are as a person, not what they wear around their peers.


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