Thursday, October 05, 2006

Mark Foley

Let me go on the record as saying Mark Foley is a freaking creep and deserves whatever punishment comes his way.
I'll admit, I'm pretty burned out of politics. November can't come too soon. I'm not blaming the victim, but who in the heck lets their kids become pages in D.C.? Is there a more vile, corrupt, venal den of vipers outside of Washington D.C.? The problem is that D.C. has too much power and that brings out the worst in people. The more power that accumulates at the Chesapeake swamp, the more it shall attract snakes and cockroaches. (note: not all of them are horrible, but the overall culture is corrupting enough to stereotype). Sorry, I needed to get that off my chest.


At 10:59 AM, Blogger Steven Fitzpatrick Smith said...

Mark Foley is a creep!

But alas, what to do? We are citizens and we only can vote. Good thing I like to vote!

Check this out if you are burned out on politics.

And if you want to see some really unusual documentary check out this BBC doc called the Power of Nightmares. Weird stuff.


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