Monday, May 15, 2006

tv shows

I'm presently taping "Gray's (sp?) Anatomy" (aka 'sex with interns') for my girlfriend (yeah, I'm that great of a boyfriend), and it made me think of different entertainment choices of men and women. I can't get my girlfriend to watch more than five minutes of a war movie and she can get me to devote even less time to a hospital show. They are both drama shows, but I don't know many women who like war movies and absolutely no men who like hospital shows (besides Scrubs, which is a spoof). True the sample is limited, but I think it's pretty sound.
I think the reason is that women, on a whole, appreciate heroism, but get a little more squimish when the heroism might entail aggression or personal danger. True, this is pure sterotyping, but I prefer to think of it as acknowledging a trend. Men like to watch a war movie and hope that we would be brave and steadfast like the hero. Women watch a hospital drama and appreciate the ultimate act of selfless nurturing. The fact that man are inerently more prone to take risks (stupid and otherwise), makes war a more attractive possibility. Many people have said that one can only test their true mettle under fire, and for men, a hospital drama lacks the sense of personal danger that we find so appealing and enticing.
This could be pure drivel, driven by purely anecdotal observations, but it does make sense in many regards.


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