Friday, May 19, 2006

Worst song EVER

I must say that it is a rare treat when one can find the absolute, no questions asked, will find none to surpass, worst of anything. Well, after years of searching, I've managed to find the worst song ever put to tape. This song combines a horrible, Spinal Tap-esque topic, absolutely unlistenable screeching guitars, gonads crushed in vise singing, make me want to give up on music phrasing and grotesquely unmeshable song parts with embarrassingly incoherent lyrics. And, to make everything better, it goes on for the better part of 13 minutes. Many times one thinks that it must be over, that God would not allow such ordure to pollute the air for that long and then, bam, they go into another laughable refrain or 1st year of lessons, guitar solo.
The song: "Loch Ness" by Judas Priest. I'm pretty sure that if Nessy weren't dead in the bottom of the Loch, this would have killed her, or at least driven her into the WPP. One wishes that Judas Priest would not sully their rock-reputation by producing such drivel. I can't believe the listener can't hear the engineers and producers laughing in the background. The lyrics are so bad it makes one wish that Shakespeare could rise from the dead and rip out their tongues for their assault upon the English language.
I whole-heartedly recommend everybody find this song and listen to it. If you can disagree with my assessment then, well, something is wrong with you. It's so laughable it's kind of sad. Don't worry, they're rich, they don't care.


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