Monday, August 07, 2006

nothing much to report

After seven and a half days without power followed by a week in Florida, I really haven't been given a chance to write anything. So, I'll summarize what I know:

Mel Gibson got drunk and acted like the ADL knew he could act if he really tried hard.

The Israeli's and Hezbollah are still fighting. Hezbollah fakes news reports, and the media buys it like Charlie Brown kicking a Lucy Van Pelt football. Fighting will continue until Mel Gibson gets drunk again and the media loses interest.

Iraq is still a mess, albeit a noble mess. Get back to me in ten years on that one.

No hurricanes. Wait, I thought they would be multiplying by the thousands due to Al Gore, er, global warming.

Joe Lieberman is in deep trouble in Connecticut. Pundits can't agree whether this bodes ill for Republicans or Democrats, but, darn it, it's gotta bode ill for somebody.

The Cardinals continue to stink worse than a frat house toilet and yet somehow remain in first place. In a related story, Tony La Russa is accused of making a deal with the devil.

My puppy grew by roughly 800%.

I realized that, yes, laying on a beach is preferable to going to work.


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