You Can't Be A Moderate In Today's Democratic Party
Joe Lieberman, the last Truman Democrat, is going to be bounced in Connecticut's primary. The warning signs have been out for weeks. Unless there's a drastic change, Lieberman's political career is done.
He is officially the last old time Democrat left in the party. They have officially been hijacked by, special interests, and the anti-war crowd. Once they would have been considered fringe. John F. Kennedy, Scoop Jackson and Adlai Stephenson couldn't relate to these crowds. These groups are now the face of the party.
All Democrat hopefuls must heed this warning -- you must conform to what wants. If you don't, find another career. Let Mr Lieberman serve as the example. He doesn't support their ideas. Soon, he'll be an ex-senator.
I applaud the man for sticking by his beliefs. He believed in school vouchers and limited government. His undoing will be his support for the Iraq war. Through these last three years, he has remained consistent in his position. Aside from political posturing during his presidential run of '04, the man has consisently sided with the troops.
That's not what the modern day Democrats want.
The modern day Democrat has to...
- be rabidly opposed to all war
- want universal health care immediately (without worrying about the long-term effects)
- support tax increases for everyone
- stand behind all minimum wage hikes
- believe the United States produces more pollution than Hamas produces terrorism
- find more inspiration from despotic UN diplomats than any US leader
- believe Cindy Sheehan really has all her marbles
... just to name a few.
It's truly amazing this party guided us through World War 2. It's not a shock that this party was our second enemy in the Cold War -- placing just behind the Soviet Union.
It'll be curious to say what Lieberman does with his life -- who he consults with. He's not welcome in Democrat circles anymore. Maybe he'll become a foreign policy consultant to right-wing administrations.
I wish the man well. He has served admirably in his time. His defeat officially mark the end of the old Democratic party.