Aug 22 come and gone
It looks as though the much anticipated Aug. 22 came and went without much sturm und drang and a little more "let's negotiate some more" (by which Iran means, we have no intention of negotiating and are simply buying time). My guess is that they believed they could have their nuclear dreams fulfilled by the 22nd and that their scientists fell short somehow. Israel, rightly so, remains on high alert and will be for quite awhile. I still believe that Iran is a huge threat to world stability and will remain so as long as the mullahs are in place.
I know many Persians (I've always found they refer to themselves as Persians, not Iranians) and one couldn't find a more Westernized people. They deserve better than what they have right now, but they need to find a way out from under the mullah's steel toed boot. Iran could be such an amazing place and such a force for good in the world and, I believe, their people know it. They simply don't know how to make it happen. Why we aren't dumping hundreds of millions of dollars into the opposition groups and doing so openly and unapologetically, I don't know. Seems a lot less bloody and costly than a war.
On one other note, the UN truce between Hezballah and Israel is a joke. Without an enforcement and eradication mandate, the peacekeeping force will simply while away it's time, enjoy the beaches of Lebanon, rape a few underage girls (see the Congo) and make everybody feel good about how unilateral and peaceloving they are. All the while Hezballah will rearm, slaughter more Jews and, eventually, engulf the entire region in another war.