bloody good stuff.
The prince is a real man. Gotta say this kid makes me like some royalty (some). Better than our Hollywood types, no doubt.
This is a blog where the Muller boys can throw their warped view points at the world. We'll discuss everything ranging from movies to politics, urban snobs to women and anything else that enters our mind.
The prince is a real man. Gotta say this kid makes me like some royalty (some). Better than our Hollywood types, no doubt.
This article does a great job of showing how the Democrats sound so much like our enemies. It used to strike me as ominous but now it doesn't surprise me.
My brother recently posted the article about Neil Young. Apparently, through his intricate gift of lyricism (is that a word?), he's on the same page as Howard Dean in calling for the president to be impeached. This doesnt shock me cause Young has a history of being, well, all over the place. He co-wrote the hippie anthem "Ohio" in the 70s, then in the 80s was a supporter of Ronald Reagan before becoming a supporter of Jesse Jackson. We all know he supported the Patriot Act but now he has changed his tune (no pun intended). Can't say I'm surprised and in all honesty, can't say I really care what Neil thinks.
Apparently, we should rename this blog "" for my sibling has apparently forsaken me.
It's apparent to anybody paying attention that the situation in Europe concerning Muslim immigrants is untenable in the near future. What will happen is laid out in this article by Fjordman is terrifyingly rational and all too real. Don't say you haven't been warned. It's still not too late for Europe to rally to its own cause, but I lose more faith every day.
In case you have been living under a rock, the Duke Lacrosse rape case is all the rage right now. I really have no opinion of the matter. I don't know the facts and nobody else seems to either. Jesse Jackson is a sleazeball and would be the first defending the players if the races were switched because, to him, it's not about justice it's about color. They have enough to indict as two arrests have been made, but it seems, from my scant readings on the case, that they have a very weak case and will never be able to prosecute. All they can hope for is a plea and that will never happen. Seems like a publicity stunt by the DA. People should stop slinging insults at this women, even if she works in a profession that demeans women and victimizes lonely men. It's a hairy situation and we should let justice work. We have a terrible tendency to politicize justice and that's a shame.
Oh, no. We've lost Neil Young. All is lost. Whatever. Keep on writing barely intelligible, semi-literate songs while singing them in your tortured cat voice, Neil. Why do musicians think we care what they think? Hmmm, don't see any special provisions for the authority of musicians in the Constitution. They overblown idiots need some humility.
This is what we are coming to? What hath multiculturalism wrought? This is the same logic used by Jim Crow types to justify segregation, that is, protecting minorities. This should be struck down an the proponents impeached.
trying to change the direction of the progressive movement. Good luck kicking the Michael Moore's and Noam Chomsky's out of your ranks (actually all the 68 hang ons). I sincerely mean that. The US needs an alternative, and the present one is so nihilistic and destructive, one shudders to think of them running the country. (via instapundit, duh)
This is coupled with a previous post
With the new house and all, my time has been taken totally by that.
why is it that people living in the city (I live in the city, so don't even start that), have dogs that are either muscled, muzzled attack beasts or tiny little teacup semi-cats? Who would want a dog that could either shred your children like a raw steak or get crushed when you sit down to watch reruns of "Will and Grace?" My guess is people who (for attack dogs) want to project a certain animal toughness or (for little dogs) couldn't give a rats ass about looking tough and probably finds it rather gauche (the owners of Jack Russels are the exception-those dogs are great, when they are not psycho). It just cracks me up how much one can tell about a person by the hound they keep.
why is it that people living in the city (I live in the city, so don't even start that), have dogs that are either muscled, muzzled attack beasts or tiny little teacup semi-cats? Who would want a dog that could either shred your children like a raw steak or get crushed when you sit down to watch reruns of "Will and Grace?" My guess is people who (for attack dogs) want to project a certain animal toughness or (for little dogs) couldn't give a rats ass about looking tough and probably finds it rather gauche (the owners of Jack Russels are the exception-those dogs are great, when they are not psycho). It just cracks me up how much one can tell about a person by the hound they keep.
I've felt this, but looking for a way to express it for so long. Christopher Hitchens says it best.
For the record, I don't know if Tom Delay was corrupt or not, and I certainly don't think the incompetent Ronnie Earle will prove so, but Delay did lay down with snakes and I don't feel that bad that he is retiring. Even if he were completely innocent, his complete lack of financial discipline and Washington coziness is enough to get him ousted just for hypocrisy. He became a symbol of the corruption and graft permeating Washington, and by associating with that element, he signed his own warrant. America can do better.
I had never heard of this guy before, but a very clear, concise article about the imperial ambitions ingrained within Islamic societies. Keep a look out for his upcoming book about the same subject.
Just because of the title. (Content is actually pretty good too) One of my favorite movies of all time.
Well, they won't have Richard Nix, err, Tom Delay to kick around anymore. Good riddance to another corrupt politician. The Republicans don't do much right, but at least they find a way of nudging out the door those who are corrupt and devoid of class, unlike the Democrats and, say, Cynthia McKinney.
I used to live about a ten minute walk from this place that was bombed sunday. Crazy. Luckily my T.O. friends are OK. Americans might not realize this, but Tim Hortonss is as Canadian as hockey, so attacking it has significance much greater than just attacking a donut and coffee shop. Canadians love Tim Horton's like we love hamburgers, as a part of their culture. Is this a message to Harper to play the good dhimmi and pay the jiyza to Hamas, which he has refused to pay, shaming the rest of the Western world? Stay strong, Stephen, and welcome to the club of grown up nations, Canada, which are despised for our success and the temerity to stand up for ourselves.
Cynthia McKinney is as looney as that guy in high school who used to eat his own fingernails while carving pictures in his desk of him copulating with a lemur. America can do better. Heck, a sock puppet convention could do better.
Is there anything left of France? Foch would be crying in his wine. Where is the latter day Charles Martel or Charlemagne or Charles V, or hell, I'd even take Louis Napoleon. For a country that takes so much pride in their culture, they sure seem to be surrendering it pretty placidly. I guess they only consider American culture a threat. Soon France is going to have to realize that it is more than food, drink and indescipherable art to culture. Whilst in grad school, I remember reading a quote from some stuffy French intellectual that "a people truly confident in their culture has no need of clinging to relics of the past." Well, France sure isn't clinging to their past and they have found themselves rudderless with the barbarians bearing down upon them.
I'm presently reading Steven Pinker's The Blank Slate. Talk about a fascinating read. The book is a philosophical, medical, scientific and ontological take down of the modern notion of perfectable man as presented through the Blank Slate, the Noble Savage and the Ghost in the Machine. (I've discussed the beauty of the story of original sin in previous posts and the pitfalls of denying man's fallen nature).