Cindy Sheehan has gone too far
It's official. Cindy Sheehan is no longer a grieving mother who lost her son in war. She is no longer a mere puppet of the anti-war left. She is officially working againist the United States. Sitting arm in arm with an anti-US dictator who has declared "down with the US Empire," she has proven to be more than just a vocal pacifist. She is working with a man that, if he had his way, would wipe the US off the map. She's aligning herself with Fidel Castro.
Shame on her for propping up a dictator that is destroying his own country. Shame on her for stomping on her sons grave and using it to launch her own warped career. She actually thinks she can run for senator? I'd like to see her go head-to-head with Dennis Miller (where has he gone anyway?).
This woman has become treasonous. Her actions remind me of Senators Kerry and Harkin meeting with Nicaraguan President Daniel Ortega during the mid 80s, a time when he and his Sandanista henchmen were enemies of the country. I don't like to throw the "treason" bomb out too often for the risk of sounding like a lunatic. But this woman is now working with an avowed enemy of the US, so I find her guilty through association.
What's worse is this woman has proven to be to be an intellectual lightweight. Her ramblings make no sense and the fact that people have lined up in support for her is amazing. It's apparent that she is an unstable individual who belongs in a straight jacket, not on a radio show.
At the same time, seeing her act this way isn't a big surprise. I'm sure meeting with a left wing thug hell bent on American destruction is simply her way of exercising the 1st amendment. That's probably what Harry Belafonte would say. Then again, she's not on American soil, so does it apply to her (any lawyers out there)?
She might as well fly to Iraq and spit in the face of every brave soldier, marine, airman and sailor and call them baby killers, if she hasn't already. Culturally speaking, she is the official face of the anti-war left. Call her the modern day Jane Fonda without the good looks. (politically speaking, I'd say Ted Kennedy is the main man on the left, he's certainly their biggest bomb thrower).
It's getting to the point where you can't simply laugh at these people. You can't just keep them out of office. You can't call them peaceniks and blow off their crazed ideology. They don't have a simple disagreement on policy with the Bush administration. From the media hacks to Ward Churchill to Cindy Sheehan to Jimmy Carter, they are no longer conscientious objectors. These left wingers are siding with the enemy and are actively working towards the decimation of the United States.