Blunt kicks butt
Great article about the governor. The vitriol and aspersions cast his way have melted away in the face of budget surpluses, principled stands and good economic news.
This is a blog where the Muller boys can throw their warped view points at the world. We'll discuss everything ranging from movies to politics, urban snobs to women and anything else that enters our mind.
Great article about the governor. The vitriol and aspersions cast his way have melted away in the face of budget surpluses, principled stands and good economic news.
Joe and I finally saw United 93 last night. Where do I begin?
Dean Esmay (, who usually is pretty reasoned and respectful, absolutely craps himself in an argument with Robert Spencer of Jihad Watch. Spencer makes Esmay look like a complete idiot. One can almost see the people who respect him dwindling to single digits. I wish Spencer's argument were wrong and Esmay's correct, but it's hard to reasonably say that is the case. Esmay should pick his fights more carefully and lay off the vituperation and ad hominem attacks.
Damn, I wish I could write like this. Read this and remember the real reason we have off monday.
Jim Talent is a good man and deserves to be re-elected. Not that my puny voice really carries any weight. He actually has the guts to make a meaningful immigration package. He may look like a complete nerd, but he's a mensch in my book. Perhaps because he is from the Mid-west where the Latino pressure groups aren't as strong and where people still tend to favor actions over rhetoric, he can act for the good of the country as a whole.
Go to the site advocating the censure of Jimmy Carter. If you ever read this blog you know how I feel about the man. His own words speak for themselves.
That's it. I can't stand it anymore. The crassness and cravenness of our elected officials is staggering. The Republican's defense of William Jefferson is appalling. The basis of this country is that every man is equal before the law, not some more equal (to steal from Orwell). This bloated, entitlement ridden, fat-cat, free-loading, holy-than-thou, opportunistic, fraudulent, thieving, cynical, complacent, privilege seeking, law shirking, lying class of politicos that have infested Washington DC need to all go (with the exception of very few). How dare they claim that they cannot be investigated by the FBI. Apparently, one could rape a nun while smoking a blunt and shooting a baby if one were a member of the government. It's sickening and it has to end.
I'm a fan of country music (thought not more than rock), but I have always thought that the Dixie Chicks sucked and were musical posers. It's only in the context of Nashville that they looked authentically country. However, all that being said, they have been given a course in marketing, i.e. don't piss off your fanbase, and I find it hilarious.
I don't know. I wouldn't put the color-coding by religion past the mullahs of Iran. It happened in the past, it could happen again. The man who originally reported this is sticking by it. We'll see.
I can't say I agree with my brothers worst song assessment. For me it's a tie between "Kokomo" by the Beach Boys and "We Built This City" by Starship.
Why won't he just die so Hollywood types don't have to make the obligatory pilgrimage. Seriously, this is a good, albeit too brief, analysis concerning Cuba, Venzuela and the US.
Hirsi Ali will not be deported from the Netherlands. Thank God. She needs to stay there to keep fighting, though a woman of her stature will always be welcomed in the USA.
I must say that it is a rare treat when one can find the absolute, no questions asked, will find none to surpass, worst of anything. Well, after years of searching, I've managed to find the worst song ever put to tape. This song combines a horrible, Spinal Tap-esque topic, absolutely unlistenable screeching guitars, gonads crushed in vise singing, make me want to give up on music phrasing and grotesquely unmeshable song parts with embarrassingly incoherent lyrics. And, to make everything better, it goes on for the better part of 13 minutes. Many times one thinks that it must be over, that God would not allow such ordure to pollute the air for that long and then, bam, they go into another laughable refrain or 1st year of lessons, guitar solo.
Seems there are some doubting the story of Iran making non-Muslims wear identifying clothing (see previous post). Wish we had people checking facts like this with the Qur'an in the toilet story. We'll see if it's true or not. I hope not.
The trains and ovens are only a short step away. Where are all the "peace loving" people of the world? Where is Europe? Where is our own government? Where are all the people who care about human rights? Oh, yeah, they are too busy seeing if we accidently dropped a pork chop in a prisoner's meal in Guantanamo. "Never again" has been replaced by a shrug and a Che t-shirt.
Although I was a bit underwhelmed by Bush's speech, I do think it is a step in the right direction that we are even debating it in Congress. It appears we are having a wall built after all, which is a good thing. I'm very leery of the amnesty by another name and the guest worker program. The heritage foundation study (sorry, no link) that says that the immigration proposal proffered by Hegel and Martinez would allow over 200 million (yeah, you read right) immigrants into the country the next 20 years seems like cultural and political suicide. I think the house is headed in a better direction for they are stressing enforcement first. We'll see where this all leads. I pray that it isn't just political window dressing and posturing (which, btw, the 6,000 troops is-Dick Durbin's comment that we would need 150,000 is equally stupid and patently impossible). I hope that real solutions are being debated. We have no alternative. American culture isn't indestructible, even if it sometimes feel that way. I welcome immigrants, but not at such great numbers that we become overwhelmed and, having authored our own destruction, we, as a people, cease to exist.
Would the wailing and gnashing of teeth and flagellation please stop about Guantanamo Bay. These guys are getting better treatment than our prisoners being held for shoplifting. Now, we need to ascertain whether or not those held should be there, but that is a totally different matter.
She agrees with my analysis of military vs. hospital dramas. Never thought she would. She also added that hospital shows have gossip and relationships, something one doesn't really find in war movies.
Mexico is a joke and the only bigger joke is that fact that we allow them to dictate our border policy. Now Mexico is considering legal action if we send troops to the borders to stop their citizens from illegally entering. Excuse me, doesn't Mexico do the same with their Southern border? Why do we listen to this banana republic? No wonder people are fleeing there by the millions. I have a hard time blaming them in that regard.
Never again will I tolerate any snooty European trying to lecture me about the superiority of Europe and the evils of our political system. A real political refugee, a women who is marked for death by Islamicists everywhere, a women whose friend and collaborator, Theo Van Gogh, was ritually slaughtered in the streets of Amsterdam, is now being deported out of the Netherlands because of irregularities in her initial immigration application.
I'm presently taping "Gray's (sp?) Anatomy" (aka 'sex with interns') for my girlfriend (yeah, I'm that great of a boyfriend), and it made me think of different entertainment choices of men and women. I can't get my girlfriend to watch more than five minutes of a war movie and she can get me to devote even less time to a hospital show. They are both drama shows, but I don't know many women who like war movies and absolutely no men who like hospital shows (besides Scrubs, which is a spoof). True the sample is limited, but I think it's pretty sound.
Seems conservatives are jumping ship on Bush (although I don't buy the 29% approval rating. The methodology is severly flawed. Rasmussen, a traditionally more accurate poll, puts him at 41%. Still lousy, but very different). Congress if faring even worse. Whearas I only see the Democrats taking one house of Congress or the other, I do think that the right wing is sending a message to our elected officials. Spendhogs like Lott need to go and they need to embrace the fiscally responsible platform upon which they first seized power. Coburn needs to be the face of the Republican party if they wish to lure back libertarian/conservative voters.
In honor of the man's passing, I order several of his books and am presently reading Without Marx or Jesus. Good book, although I think his premise has turned out differently than he first thought. Yes, there was a revolution, but it was in the direction of Reagan, not McGovern. However, he acurately conveys the inherent restlessness and vitality of the States. We are nothing if not an unctious lot.
Speaking of John Stossel, I saw one of his articles about kids and designer clothes. Parents are paying hundreds of dollars so their children can have Versace and other top line clothing. People are even paying $400 for their childrens raincoats. Children are also becoming runway models, wearing mini skirts, etc. No surprise here: a lot of these runway kids (or soon to be runaway) are sporting clothing developed by none other than Madonna.
Sorry folks, my mind has been elsewhere and I haven't had anything to write about. Working, schooling, doing a ton of freelance copywriting work, plus I'm composing a newsletter for my old scout troop.
Been thinking a bit more about Dean Esmay's article yesterday (see post below). How is it that the same people who think that the people of the Middle East can embrace democracy and join the civilized world (read: neocons) are somehow islamophobic, while those who think that Middle Easterners will never be able to behave responsibly and, therefore, we should just let them live the way they feel, no matter the consequences here and abroad, are somehow enlightened and progressive? Explain to me how understanding a culture entails accepting it, no matter how deep and severe the faults. We have a responsibility to understand Islam, but not to accept the political thuggery and despotic ordering of their societies which plagues them.
Total takedown of the Loose Change documentary (I use that in almost the same sense that Al Jezzeera is a news source). Shame on the people who think that our government did this. Go join the Unabomber, the Birchers, the Tri-lateral Commision people, Mike Meyer's father in "So I Married an Axe Murderer" and the Timothy McVeigh out in the woods of Montana and leave the rational people alone. Colonel Sanders didn't destroy the towers.
Good post by Dean Esmay about Islamaphobia (a term which I categorically reject as intellectually lazy, politically correct and smacking of group-think). I disagree with many of Dean's points, especially with what appears to be only a superficial knowledge of the Qur'an, ahadith and sura and the history of Islam. However, that doesn't make his fisking unneeded or spot on. The comments are also contain a reasonable discussion, not vitriolic spittle spattering contests. The post, however, never answers two salient question: 1) is the fact that there are moderate Muslims an aberration or result of Islam and 2) is not the fact that the Qur'an is believed to be the literal word of God (down to the fact that God spoke arabic) and Muhammad the perfect example of piety a signifcant, maybe fatal stumbling block towards modernization.
I would like to talk a bit about my hometown and current choice of residence, St. Louis. For a long time (since about '45), St. Louis has been in a perpetual decline, hemorrhaging occupants, and, more importantly, young occupants. During the 60's, 70's and 80's it was jockeying with Detroit for greatest symbol of urban decay and incompetent governance in the USA. Growing up, my friends could not wait to get out for as everybody lamented "nothing happens here." In a sense it was true. St. Louis had become a hollowed out core with a ring of nice, but unexciting suburbs. (note of disclosure: I came from Kirkwood, a suburb of St. Louis and truly love the place. Best city in the world to raise kids and one with a true sense of community. I am not an inherent suburb hater like so many urbanites like myself. It has it's place, but it is not a general source of dynamism for a city). Young people left in droves for Chicago, NY, LA and Denver. Most of my friends left to find cities more accommodating having a good time and finding cool jobs.
Glad Clooney is finally on board for something we evil Neo-cons have been clamoring about the last decade or so. Of course, we can't use military force to stop the genocide, so what should we do. Their principles are finally right on this one (that is, on the side of freedom), but once again, I doubt that any real solutions will actually ever be proferred. It's sad that pacifism has become such a tenent of faith amongst the hard core left that the West is paralyzed in the face of true genocide.
In case you have been living under a rock (like my brother Mike, but that's a totally different issue), you would know that various groups have organized a protest today to try and shut down America. I can say that it didn't work. Well, St. Louis didn't shut down, at least. In fact, pretty much only portions of LA were shut down. I think that the majority of Latino immigrants are starting to realize that they are not helping their case very much by protesting in the streets demanding rights for doing something illegal, no matter the situation that propelled them to do so. It must also really chap those Latinos who legally immigrated here to see people defining their ethnicity purely in terms of being here illegally to do work picking lettuce.